All your customer data in once place

Keep track of your customer contact information, addresses, communications and additional notes from a central, secure database accessible on all your devices.

No credit card required

Postcode lookups

Search for properties by postcode or address and we'll auto-fill the rest of the property details to save you time. Free of charge.

Multi-property support

Our database supports linking customers to multiple properties, allowing you to handle complex cases such as landlords or agents.

Marketing integration

JobStaq integrates with Mailchimp and Brevo to allow you to export selected customers from your JobStaq database to allow sending marketing campaigns to allow you to sell additional services to your existing customers.


We'll warn you if you're about to create a customer who appears to already be in your database, to prevent accidental re-creation of existing customers, ensuring all your data remains organised.

Lead site integration

Track where your customers are finding your business to evaluate how effective your marketing is. Use our browser extension on desktop devices to import your customer details from supported lead sites in a single click, saving you time on data entry.

GDPR compliance

Single-click exporting of all data associated with a customer to easily fulfill right to access requests.

Get started today with our free 30 day trial.

No payment details required.